Thursday, November 9, 2017

A Kingdom Focused Mind

Yesterday I was driving down a familiar and busy road very focused on myself.  Honestly, I was just in my head thinking about my health, my feelings, my abilities, my needs. Me, me and more me. I broke away from my thoughts just as I noticed 4 people standing in the turning lane.  Cars were parked on all sides of them, but I could see no evidence of an accident. I crept my car forward and more details came into sight so I could see there was a man laying on his side in the road. Oh my goodness, where did this man come from, I thought to myself.  Did someone hit a pedestrian? Traffic inched forward and I began to pray that God would somehow help the man on the ground. He never moved, and I felt so afraid for him.  I prayed that the ambulance would come soon. I prayed for his family who had no idea he was laying in the middle of this busy road with strangers at his side. Finally I could see his bleeding head where he hit the pavement and his motorcycle laying on its side in the left lane. I had to look away and move on with traffic as there were plenty of people circling him at this point.  I could hear and see the ambulance making its way up the hill.  People on down the road were oblivious to what had happened and a few didn't notice or hear the sirens, blocking the path of the help so needed just a few city blocks away.  I wanted to roll down my window and yell at them to move their car over and help save a man's life! Don't worry, I refrained, but I did make a mental note to do better at moving quickly for emergency vehicles. Around the next corner I saw a fire truck and then came a policeman.  With each emergency vehicle, I found myself thinking of what I just saw and whispering a prayer on the man's behalf. My mind had completely been taken over and all I thought about was asking God to help this man and the first responders on their way.

I don't know how this man's story ended, but I do know that because of his accident, my thoughts moved from inward and self, to outward and God.

Isn't this so easy to fall prey to? I wish I didn't require so many reminders to keep a Kingdom focused mind. You see, I was on my way to my oncologist appointment for a touch base about my "life with cancer" and a possible clinical trial.  You would think, after all I've seen God do in my life I would be focused on Him and talking to Him on the way to this appointment, but until a devastating accident gave me a wake up call I was just anxiously focused on myself. 

When our mind is mostly focused on our own needs and abilities and wishes, we become more consumed with the world than with the God who created it. For example, if I repeatedly think about how nervous I am, then my mind and body become ruled by my fear.  Yet, if I repeatedly force my mind to think about how God is bigger than what I'm afraid of and how God's character is one of peace and comfort, continual help and strength; it is then that my mind and body is overcome with the power of the almighty so that He can rule over my fear! What takes over our thoughts takes control of our life.

Isaiah 26:3
 ~ You will keep the mind that is dependent on You in perfect peace, for it is trusting in You.

2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the
  knowledge of God,
 and we take captive every thought to make it obedient
  to Christ.

John MacArthur
~The more you focus on yourself, the more distracted you will be from the proper path.
  The more you know Him and commune with Him, the more the Spirit will make you
  like Him. The more you are like Him, the better you will understand His utter sufficiency
  for all of life’s difficulties. And that is the only way to know real satisfaction.

Psalm 91:14-15 ~Because he has focused his love on me, I will deliver him. I will protect him because
  he knows my name. When he calls out to me, I will answer him. I will be with him in
  his distress. 
I will deliver him, and I will honor him.

This was the most important thing about my day yesterday, but I did find out that the clinical trial is not open for me yet.  My doctor does not know when it will be open.  Otherwise, my lung sound clear and strong.  My heart is strong. My blood work and vitals are all great. Thank you for joining us in continued prayer and belief that God is sustaining my life for His bigger purposes, serving his Kingdom.  ~ Blessings, Kristi