Wednesday, November 25, 2020

You won’t believe this Thanksgiving News!

How wonderful it is to share this news with you all today. Not only in honor of my parent’s 53rd wedding anniversary, which I know my mom is smiling down upon, but also in honor of this Thanksgiving season. We are living in a year, and a world, where we need hope and encouragement desperately. 

November 15th marked TEN YEARS since I was originally diagnosed with cancer. During that time so many things happened. We’ve lived in 4 different homes, learned about Billy’s oldest son and my step son, Christopher. Chris chose a wonderful bride and now we are excited to be grandparents this next March. Isaiah went from a goofy middle school boy to a respectable young man, played tons of basketball, and even more football, graduated high school and moved into a dorm in college. Alyssa grew from a little toddler to a beautiful teen. She experienced ballet and cheer, basketball, track, choir and pageantry. We’ve all dealt with Covid 19 and quarantine and been exposed and tested. We’ve experienced worry, stress and mental health issues. I went from a successful career as Director of sales calling on Walmart and Sam’s Club, to disability and now self employed. Billy went from going back to college and making the Dean’s list each semester, to a career in the Metal building industry and now self employed. We are chasing a dream and remodeling a barn for a wedding and event center on 6 acres with trees and a pond! We are so excited! 

So much life has been lived in the midst of really really hard stuff. Chemo 3 times, radiation on 5 different places, a clinical trial weekly for almost two years, so many surgeries and physical therapy and rehabilitation. Side effects from all these treatments including Auto Immune Hepatitis and Pancreatitis. Even more difficult was missed valentine’s Days, missed sporting events, missed birthdays and other holidays. Lost Uncles, Aunts, Grandparents, friends and both of our precious moms. I’m so grateful all of this was covered in tons of prayer! We’d have never made it. 

But on the first day of my ELEVENTH year of cancer I had scans and the doctor said I am in REMISSION! He said he cannot explain it, but evidence of active cancer is gone! He said it can only be described as a miracle! 

I am in shock. Billys in shock. Kids are shocked and relieved. I’ve been trying to find my words to share this and I am left with no words, just repeating what the doctor said. 

So today, as a gift to my parents on what would have been their 53rd anniversary, I honor my dad in life and my mom in death, by sharing that Jesus gave me a miracle. A miracle that both of my parents trusted God  for and asked Him for regularly. 

If you don’t know this Jesus, this God, I want to tell you about Him. For he is faithful and comforting, surprising and strong. 

How thankful I am for this good news, and for all that God has carried my family and I through for an entire decade. 

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Happy happy Thanksgiving! 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Endoscopic ultra sound ✅

Today at the OU Medical Center I had an Endoscopic Ultrasound. The main goal was to determine why I’ve been suffering with pancreatitis when all normal causes have been ruled out. 

There was a spot deep in my liver, too deep to biopsy today. We’ve known I have a spot on my liver that comes and goes on the CT Scan. There was some agitation at the entry to my small intestine. No cancer looking issues. And there is a mass in the tail of my pancreas. However, it did not look like a normal cancer mass would look, but they biopsies it and we will hear back in a couple days. The GI Doctor said it can very we’ll be inflammation. 

I am feeling better pain-wise, but need to work on strength, stamina and endurance. I’m still eating small and bland and they said that needs to continue for now. I did eat beef stew while in OKC last night tho and it sure had a lot of flavor, but didn’t cause me any trouble thank goodness. 

Everyone at the OU Medical Center was just as nice and helpful as I remembered them to be; albeit a new department than before. 

Thank you for prayers! Signing off from my couch in a lingering sleepy state. 😂😍 😴 

Friday, June 26, 2020

Stage4 Cancer Treatment...You’ll Love What My Doctor Said

If you’ve been following along you know that I had 3 of my 5 scans about 3 weeks ago and then ended up in the hospital for two weeks with pancreatitis. So, I was just able to finish my last two scans of the neck and brain metastasis. They were both stable with no change PTL! We don’t necessarily expect these to continue shrinking after radiation because the after effects of radiation leaves inactive scar tissue in place of the cancer. The body could carry some of that off eventually, but not always. 
So while fighting this pancreatitis I’ve missed a couple chemo treatments and yet my oncologist says we will continue to pause my treatment until after scans in mid August! Gosh, I’m so excited about that! I have been doing some form of treatment since June 5, 2018!!! I am weary of it all and needed this break, but now need this pancreatitis to settle down so that I can feel good during this pause in treatment. It feels like such a miracle to get a pause in treatment when having a stage 4 cancer that’s in about 5 different places! Please pray that I continue to get better each day so that I can enjoy these last weeks of Summer with my family! This Caronavirus growing so quickly in Arkansas also leaves me wanting my immune system stronger right now. I have not been nervous about it until people at Billy’s work are testing positive and out hospitals are getting full. 

Anyway, praise the Lord for this break from chemo. I’ll take it as long as it lasts! May the Lord show needs favor and keep this cancer stable for years to come! 

 Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield. Psalm 5:12

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

THE CT’s Agree!

Latest update on Facebook. 

Day 11 : Solitary Confinement ; otherwise known as in the hospital during a pandemic

If nothing else, I am developing more capacity to accept or tolerate delays, trouble & suffering without getting angry.. I am growing in patience (i .e. self-control)

2 Peter 1:5-8 says, “For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love.”

Yesterday felt like a wasted day here; a definite delay. The GI doctor said they still “weren’t sure” what was causing all of this.  My throat appears to have a very very mild version of a condition called Achalasia. They aren’t sure what is causing it and don’t feel they’ll do anything if they do know the answer right now because it is so mild. So we most likely won’t explore that further unless it worsens. (Occassional suffering with no fix). Then my stomach is inflamed. They took two biopsies from the stomach that are not back yet. They are looking for an infection with these biopsies. (Hurry up and wait), they aren’t sure if what they pushed through the entry of the small intestine was a partial blockage. They will know for sure when I live normally and eat normally and see how my pain and symptoms persist. (Not a clear answer) and lastly we couldn’t schedule scans until today because of my CT Iodine Contrast allergy, which require premeds. So I sat around here all day to take my prednisone and Benedryl regiment before scans this morning at 8 am. (Delay, I could have taken meds at home, Solitaire for why?) 

I could be grumpy with my nurses. I could get frustrated with the doctor, but these healthcare workers are doing the best they can in the boundaries of their position and the hospital rules. So instead today I joked about how much I love Jello and Vegetable broth 3 times a day and how the only protein on my plate tastes like a liquid version of my childhood flinstone vitamins. The nurses and the aides laugh and I feel good that I can be an easy patient and see them smile or laugh as they go. 

Today I’m awake right now because at 3:00 it was time for more prednisone. And 4:00 it was time for my vitals and any minute they’ll walk in to draw my bloodwork for today. They apologize as they wake me over and over and I told them I’m looking forward to my long nap after my pre-scan Benedryl. They laugh and say they might need some Benedryl too. 

We have choices everyday. Choices to let out our frustration over the delays and inconveniences, directing that at people who are usually doing their best. There’s a few I’d say could step up their game, but for the overall group, they are delightful people working a job so they can go home and take care of their family. I see them and their hard work. I see their patience with patients that are not very happy and feel they can tell everyone about it. I’m choosing to have self-control and be kind. Even though it’s Day 11 up in this place! Whew! Never thought I’d be here this long and still don’t have a good clear answer on what is going on. Pray today we move forward quickly and don’t run into many delays, trouble or suffering. We can’t do anything about this solitary confinement but you can always come visit my window....after the Benedryl wears off!  

“So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Col. 3:12

Friday, June 5, 2020

Pancreatitis Vs Cancer Met

I was in terrible trouble when I called out to you, but from your temple you heard me and answered my prayer. 
Psalms 18:6 cev

About 6 weeks ago I was in terrible pain and couldn’t lay down on my back or my side without terrible pain and nausea. I saw a NP and they thought I had inflammation in my colon and put me on a bland soft diet. Things settled down until Monday of this week when the pain wrapping around my middle abdomen and back where my pancreas is located began to hurt badly again and nausea increased. 3 of 5 scans for the end of this month were moved up and extra bloodwork was taken for pancreas enzymes. 

Today I met with a PA and she could see that the tail of my pancreas is swollen and inflamed. My enzymes are elevated also, but were better today than they were on Wednesday. Usually I would be admitted to the hospital for Pancreatitis, but they will give me fluids today, tomorrow and Monday and retest to see how I’m doing. Pray that God will heal me without going to the hospital for continual fluids and iv antibiotics. My pain and nausea is being controlled with prescription meds for now and I will eat a bland, soft diet. If this changes over the weekend I had to promise to call in and go to the hospital. 

Besides this being my miracle day anniversary (*See June 5, 2012) I got great news on my cancer. Largest spots in upper left lung are continuing to shrink. The abdomen and pelvic show no signs of cancer, so liver appt is gone, adrenal gland tumor is gone and there was no comment in the sacrum by my tailbone, so we assume it’s gone, but asked them to recheck. I won’t know about neck and brain until next Wednesday's scans. I was so relieved that this new pain is pancreatitis instead of another new bone met. Seems strange to be thankful for this condition, but it’s better than more cancer growth during this hard treatment. 

I will see the PA again Monday after she talks to my oncologist. They will retest pancreas enzymes and assess pain and nausea and determine next steps for treatment, etc. I am scheduled for a treatment Monday, but she said we may not do it. 

Thankful for all your prayers and reaching out to check on me. Continue to pray that cancer keeps shrinking and even going away forever! And that this pancreatitis is healed without hospitalization. I also have a UTI again and they will give me a new antibiotic for -0 days in hopes to get rid of it this time. It’s difficult as I have a urostomy and it is the perfect environment to grow bacteria. 

Gods bless and much love and appreciation for my prayer warriors. 

Monday, June 1, 2020

15th chemo infusion

I think today is my 15th infusion of Taxol and Avastin. Pray that my scans look so good the end of June that I can have a long break from treatment! And please pray I stay clear of all infections. This has been difficult lately and caused other issues! ✝️👆🏻🙏🏻

Heal me O Lord and I will be healed, save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. 
Jeremiah 17:14

Monday, April 20, 2020

Family Hair Cutting Experiment

In 2015 I lost my hair doing Taxol and Avastin for 21 weeks and it was way more emotional than I expected. Now my kids are much older and I recruited them to help cut my hair so we could have more laughs than tears. I have to say at one point I laughed so hard it brought me to tears! You’ll know which haircut caused this as you view the process! 

Original hair Front and back. 

original hair - frontoriginal hair back

Alyssa cuts my hair first. 
daughter cuts my hair - frontdaughter cuts my hair back

Isaiah cuts my hair next. 

Then....he cuts a little more and adds bangs. 
son cuts my hair frontson cuts my hair back
If I just had black glasses and hair.. . 
incredible Edna haircutincredibles Edna character haircut

I tried to fix it a little. 😂

Next night was Billy’s turn...

I hope you got some laughs! We respect our hair stylists’ talent! 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

A humbled thank you

Tomorrow I will have  my 4th radiation on this newest metastatic cancer tumor by my tailbone. I only have to have five, so I will be finished next Tuesday. The biggest side effect from the radiation is extra fatigue. I have had pretty extreme fatigue and physical weakness from the chemo, Taxol, and Avastin. Nausea has been a problem as well, but this is my off week from those meds and I am feeling quite a bit better. I was hoping I’d have a pep in my step, but that hasn’t happened yet! 

However, I have been so encouraged  - and very humbled - by the almost 2 dozen people who have given to our family financially to help provide some help at home, help with medical deductibles and copays, plus has expenses and prescriptions.  Please know that Billy and I do not take your generosity lightly. This is a true encouragement and blessing and we pray you are paid back tenfold.  God bless you. StY safe and well during these unprecedented pandemic times.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Scan update

Caronavirus “All Clear” Stickers were orange for my last appt! 
The nurse called and read me the radiologist report from my scans and PTL, whether due to radiation or this new chemo regiment, the spot in my neck shrunk more and the largest spot in my upper left lung also shrunk! We’re thrilled as this could show things moving the right direction to keep the metastatic spread under control and shrinking to minimize cancer symptoms. 

I’ll begin radiation on my tailbone next Tuesday. 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

God Will Make a Way

I can’t see we learned much of anything yet today. They canned my neck and abdomen/pelvic, but I didn’t expect much new I do from that. The results weren’t back yet and rather than makes us wait, Dr B said I’d get a call this afternoon. 

In regard to the trial, the tissue sample from my biopsy was sent to the clinical trial group and they are still analyzing it to see if I meet all the criteria/parameters. I asked Dr B what my odds were of getting in and he said about a 15% chance because my cancer is so rare and they have so many parameters. I have to believe if this door closes it’s because it’s not my best option. 

Dr B didn’t feel or see any swelling around my tailbone tumor like he did 2 weeks ago and my pain has diminished greatly so we are excited about that. I haven’t heard when radiation will begin, but probably next week. 

We are in a hurry-up and wait mode right now. 

Chemo (Taxol & Avastin) was tough last week. I only had Taxol this week and my anemia has risen from an 8.8 to a 10.0 so that’s helping the fatigue be less severe. Less nausea & vomiting, also cough and shortness of breath has improved. Still low, but iron supplements are helping even on treatment. 

We know God is still in control and still faithful. He was faithful to part the Red Sea, to lead & provide for His people in the dessert, and He’ll provide for us now. 

Thank you for your prayers & encouragement. I felt them on my darkest days last week, for sure. ✝️👆🏻💜

Lyrics are from a song by Don Moen called, God will Make a Way. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Prayers must be plentiful

Words are scarce. Emotions are many. Prayers are plentiful. 

Sunday in church we sang the words “Have Thine own way Lord, have Thine own way.” So often I can sing these words with hope and belief that God is going to lead us in the right path and bring us something good and enjoyable in our life. Yet, when suddenly I’m literally scared of death. Not actually dying and meeting Jesus face time face (how amazing that will be! And I’d get to hug my Momma!) but the process of dying and the people I would leave behind. It is then, that it’s so difficult to feel the genuine trust required when I say to the Lord that I want him to have His way, and I’m not sure what that is going to be. 

Thursday after my MRI we learned that I have a 5th cancer tumor in the muscle near my tailbone. It is around 3 nerves including the sciatic nerve and pressing into the tailbone. This has been causing my severe pain. 

In case you’ve missed some posts that I posted on Facebook’s Team Kristi Prayer Warriors page I currently have the following. 

1. A dozen scattered tumors throughout both lungs. Dr Beck believes that I have a tumor pressing on a nerve in my lungs that is causing my chronic cough. I’m also experiencing some shortness of breath as these tumors continue to grow and take up more space in my lungs. 

2. A small spot in my brain. It’s been radiated and we believe that it is dead and the spot we see on image is just scar tissue. I’ve lost my hair in a quarter size spot on my head where this was radiated. 

3. My neck has a tumor that was in soft tissue and bone. The pain is so much improved after radiation and the tumor has shrunk but is not gone. I meet with the radiologist Thursday and will learn what he thinks about the activity of this tumor. 

4. A new tumor in my adrenal gland that sits on top of my kidney. I will find out Thursday if  this should be radiated. 

5. A new tumor by my tailbone and sciatic nerve. I will find out if this can be radiated on Thursday also. 

I’ve been off of my clinical trial meds for 6 weeks so they want me to begin a maintenance chemo until I can find a new clinical trial. I began this chemo regimen yesterday. It is Taxol and Avastin, which is the same thing I did for 21 weeks in 2015 and lost all my hair. I will lose my hair again in a couple weeks. 

I don’t feel like we have a very hope-filled plan at the moment, but I did do a biopsy of a tumor in my left lung last Wednesday to apply for a new immunotherapy trial locally. I did not qualify for the MD Anderson or St Louis trials we were looking at. 

I want to continue to feel hopeful and be able to live well as wife and mom, daughter/sister and friend. Praying for God to go before us in this and that I can align my will with His will. That my heart and mind can settle into the process. 

May His will be a miracle still! I’m just tired and weary from this almost 10 year battle, so this latest news hit me hard and discouraging. Billy as well. You can pray for our spirits to be positive and hopeful. We do believe God can still heal me if He wants to. He has always been faithful to walk closely with us, providing our every need, and we know He will be again. 

Thank you in advance for continued prayers and encouragement. We love you all so much.