There was a spot deep in my liver, too deep to biopsy today. We’ve known I have a spot on my liver that comes and goes on the CT Scan. There was some agitation at the entry to my small intestine. No cancer looking issues. And there is a mass in the tail of my pancreas. However, it did not look like a normal cancer mass would look, but they biopsies it and we will hear back in a couple days. The GI Doctor said it can very we’ll be inflammation.
I am feeling better pain-wise, but need to work on strength, stamina and endurance. I’m still eating small and bland and they said that needs to continue for now. I did eat beef stew while in OKC last night tho and it sure had a lot of flavor, but didn’t cause me any trouble thank goodness.
Everyone at the OU Medical Center was just as nice and helpful as I remembered them to be; albeit a new department than before.
Thank you for prayers! Signing off from my couch in a lingering sleepy state. 😂😍 😴