Monday, August 2, 2021

Scan results

Scan results were frustrating and discouraging to me. I had such great expectations and yet Dr B said that there is some growth in my brain that he hopes is nflammation around where I had radiation on a tumor last year. There is another type of MRI that I can get to show if this appears to be inflammation or tumor. I have been having more daily headaches. 

There is growth on a tumor in the lower left lung and my oxygen level has stayed lower than normal for the last couple months. 

The tumor they just radiated about 5 weeks ago in my adrenal gland looks unchanged and there are no brand new spots. 

Dr B wants me to start back on Avastin as a maintenance plan right away. This means an IV treatment every 3 weeks. I have taken Avastin before with Taxol chemo, but never alone, so we’ll see how it effects me. 

I feel in dread of this plan and discouraged that we didn’t get better news of continued remission, but fighting to stay positive about the situation and just be thankful for life and the option available to me. 

Please ask God to enter into this situation and show Himself big and mighty and faithful to complete a good work in me and HEAL me of this cancer and the wound slowly starting to show slight signs of healing on my leg. Ask for healing for this fistula all together please. 

Until then, may I use this thorn in my side to remember why I am here and choose to glorify God and share His light to the world with joy that only he can give…even when I’m unhappy with the situation. 

Blessings to you and yours my friends. 

Kristi ✝️👆🏻🙏🏻

Here we are on a weekend getaway that I am so grateful for. Brough much happiness and soothing to my soul.