Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Mountain has been Removed - Mark 11:22-25

Worley preached Sunday on Mark 11:22-25 with my family all present due to Taylor's graduation. He has been preaching through the book of Mark for over a year and in God's sovereignty he was on Mark 11: 22-25 on the exact week my family needed it.  God used Worley's message to prepare us for the week ahead!  We are experiencing the miracle of our family's mountain being removed.  Worley encouraged us in his message to Remember God Faithfulness in the Past, Trust God, Refuse to Doubt God, Keep Asking God, and Forgive Others. Kristi said the night before the surgery, she remembered Worley saying to keep asking God.  This brought to her mind that while she had felt she had to surrender to the idea of surgery and this huge lifestyle change in order to have life, that she needed to ask for healing again!  She stopped and prayed that God would heal her or that He would make her desire line up with His desire.  The 6 of us stood in a circle at MD Anderson that morning and prayed once again ourselves for healing and for God's peace as we trusted in His plan and will.  We are humbled that God chose to answer this prayer as we were surrounded by many walking this same journey of suffering and trusting God as well and were not receiving the miracle that we were.

Dad and Mom have said all morning that we are just waiting for our miracle, and it came!!  Kristi's Dr. just called us into a little conference room to tell us that we can take Kristi home TODAY!  He said that what looked like cancer and felt like cancer appears to not be cancer (last Thursday 2 Dr.s had examined her and told her they both could see and feel the cancer and both felt that it had grown) He praised Mom for insisting that they do another biopsy.  He told us that there was a tiny spot of cancer only at the surface level.  They removed this spot and took a large and deeper biopsy surrounding this area and will have the final results in one week.  He said that today the head of all of pathology was here and overseeing Kristi's pathology which was no small thing in this morning's process.  They had the radiologist place seeds surrounding this area so that if there is need for radiation in the future these seeds will already be implanted. Dr. Levenback said that he had not prepared Kristi to wake up to the fact of no surgery meaning no cancer.  He had told her that if they did not do surgery it would be because it had spread and they did't believe surgery would be curative.  Because she will be concerned waking up to no surgery, Dad asked that Billy be in there with her when the Dr. tells her!  What a way to wake up!  We have Praised God in the Storm and now we get to Praise God with a Miracle!!  May each of you reading worship our God!! Thank you once again for praying in faith for Kristi's healing and for God's peace! Billy couldn't wait to make the call to Isaiah and Alyssa!!

Please watch the youtube link.........It is long but the first half of this link includes so many of the scriptures that have been prayed over Kristi and by Kristi.


  1. PRAISE GOD from whom ALL blessings flow!!!! So SO SO happy for you all! I am filled with Joy! Thank you for sharing!!!

    Brenda Dickenson (Overton)

    I can't even imagine what it will be like for Kristi to get the news! Sorry for stalking your blog page, but Kristi has been on my heart from the very beginning of this, and I couldn't stay away.
    A. Jones

  3. Yay!!! This is wonderful news! God is so good! He has definitely blessed us with a miracle! - Elizabeth Lau :)

  4. "The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; You hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance." Psalm 16:5-6

    "God's favor on His children causes our lot to tumble out, instead of destruction, a portion turned into destiny." Beth Moore, Esther study

    Rejoicing with you, Kristi, in your destiny. When you were first diagnosed with cancer, we were studying Esther. Like Queen Esther, who destiny was death but ended in salvation, I prayed then for a reversal of destiny for you.

    "Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they existed and were created." Rev 4:11

    All my love and His power,
    Brian Hyde

  5. So happy for Kristi, Billy, Isaiah, Alyssa and all of you. <3 There could not have been better news.

  6. What Wonderful News!!! Praising HIM and so thankful for this MIRACLE!!!

  7. Tears flowing, I am overwhelmed with this GOOD NEWS! What a MIRACLE for Kristi to wake up to!!! WOW - God can do ANYTHING!!! So very happy for the entire family!

  8. God is SOOOOOOOOOO Good!!!!!!! You should have seen the faces of the people around me when I heard this news...running, jumping, screaming and crying LOL

  9. Smiles, tears, prayers and love ~ I believe!

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