Look at how this girl of mine has changed since my big TPE surgery 4 years ago! I have a love/hate connection with this specific 7 year birthday picture.
I feel so very sad that she had to be such a strong little girl that day with her parents in Houston. She knew she may not see her mommy for a month and that it was going to take a full year for mommy to recover from surgery. Yet, what a BRAVE smile she has. She is still that BRAVE spirit and even encourages me with her positive outlook.
I love the generous outreach that friends and neighbors and family showered on Alyssa in my absence. This picture shows all of that with TWO birthday cakes, loads of balloons, flowers and a huge candy bouquet!
I hate that she had to be so BRAVE, but I love how she saw the KINDNESS of people lived out in her life at such a young age.
Thank you again to those of you who have chauffeured, hosted, encouraged and loved my kids so well these last 6+ years. My momma's heart will never forget.
Your family is Blessed...indeed