Friday, June 5, 2020

Pancreatitis Vs Cancer Met

I was in terrible trouble when I called out to you, but from your temple you heard me and answered my prayer. 
Psalms 18:6 cev

About 6 weeks ago I was in terrible pain and couldn’t lay down on my back or my side without terrible pain and nausea. I saw a NP and they thought I had inflammation in my colon and put me on a bland soft diet. Things settled down until Monday of this week when the pain wrapping around my middle abdomen and back where my pancreas is located began to hurt badly again and nausea increased. 3 of 5 scans for the end of this month were moved up and extra bloodwork was taken for pancreas enzymes. 

Today I met with a PA and she could see that the tail of my pancreas is swollen and inflamed. My enzymes are elevated also, but were better today than they were on Wednesday. Usually I would be admitted to the hospital for Pancreatitis, but they will give me fluids today, tomorrow and Monday and retest to see how I’m doing. Pray that God will heal me without going to the hospital for continual fluids and iv antibiotics. My pain and nausea is being controlled with prescription meds for now and I will eat a bland, soft diet. If this changes over the weekend I had to promise to call in and go to the hospital. 

Besides this being my miracle day anniversary (*See June 5, 2012) I got great news on my cancer. Largest spots in upper left lung are continuing to shrink. The abdomen and pelvic show no signs of cancer, so liver appt is gone, adrenal gland tumor is gone and there was no comment in the sacrum by my tailbone, so we assume it’s gone, but asked them to recheck. I won’t know about neck and brain until next Wednesday's scans. I was so relieved that this new pain is pancreatitis instead of another new bone met. Seems strange to be thankful for this condition, but it’s better than more cancer growth during this hard treatment. 

I will see the PA again Monday after she talks to my oncologist. They will retest pancreas enzymes and assess pain and nausea and determine next steps for treatment, etc. I am scheduled for a treatment Monday, but she said we may not do it. 

Thankful for all your prayers and reaching out to check on me. Continue to pray that cancer keeps shrinking and even going away forever! And that this pancreatitis is healed without hospitalization. I also have a UTI again and they will give me a new antibiotic for -0 days in hopes to get rid of it this time. It’s difficult as I have a urostomy and it is the perfect environment to grow bacteria. 

Gods bless and much love and appreciation for my prayer warriors. 

1 comment:

  1. Kristina,
    I was looking for "focus on Jesus verses" and came across your blog. After reading your blog, my heart immediately went out to you, as I read about your courageous battle. I felt God's peace knowing He was with you all the way.

    I will keep you in prayer going forward, and pray the Light of the Lord be your guide, strength, and His love and grace afford you complete restoration in health.

    I pray that you didn't have to go to the hospital for the pancreatitis.

    What an amazing spirit and light you have Kristina, I felt it just by reading your blog. Peace be with you and your family.

    God bless you now and always~

    "LORD my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me." ~ Psalms 30:2
