Monday, May 27, 2013

It's a Zip-a-dee-doo-dah day!

   "  Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay, my oh my what a wonderful day, plenty of sunshine goin' my way........Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay!!" The Pastor here in AR used this little song last week in his sermon.  It got me to thinking how much I always liked it and how happy I felt when I sang it.
      When you think about singing this little diddy you understand you can't sing it without it bringing you happiness. You don't sing about a Zip-a-dee-doo dah  day when you are feeling melancholy or sad.  It is a perk up and have a wonderful day song! Well, that's where we are at here in AR.  Each day is a more wonderful day! Each day Kristi is feeling better and perking up.   This past week Kristi has been able to get back into some real life.  We went "out" and practiced driving and I got to be the grown up going along, (Dr. recommended) just like the drivers ed teacher, but I didn't have my own brakes.  I only needed them once! Later, I took her on a drive to Jeff and Amy's house to see them and the work done on their new addition. On this drive Kristi was the grown up riding "shotgun" and wishing she had her own brakes when the people we were following suddenly decided to slow down and turn.  We had a good laugh because I paid her back!    Kristi hadn't been able to go to Amy and Jeff's house, which is only 40 mins away, since January.  Kristi got to see the basement part of their "addition", which had proved to be beneficial last week as everyone had to take cover from the same storm that hit OK.  George said that he didn't know trees could bend over that far and pop back up and be ok.   It went from still, quiet weather to swirling hard winds here in seconds. At Kristi's house we took to the inside rooms, hoping the storm passed by.  It did pass over our homes, though there was damage in the area. Josh was traveling to a safer place with us during the worst of the storm in his little Toyota truck and was blowing around  and quite alarmed by the time he arrived. He said it was getting "sketchy!" It was more than sketchy as a  19 yr old man was killed while driving to deliver medications for a drugstore when a sign came flying into his car.  Our family felt very sad for him and all those who are suffering so much from these tornados.  One night in a tornado shelter underground when the news is saying, "take cover" is worth all the cost and 70 hours of digging (not by hand) and hammering out that red rock.  George dug it out and Joshua helped some and then made a nice red graveled road for the kids in the enchanted forest next to the house.  Well, talking about Storms;
  We are hopeful the storm in Kristi's life  has passed by. It's been scary, very tough and long. "A long hard road," the Dr said, on Nov 15th, 2010! " We were hoping he was wrong but we need to tell him how correct he was! There is an old song that tells the story, " When the storm passes over and the thunder starts to roll...when the clouds roll forever from the sky... Keep me safe let me stand in the hollow of His hand.  Keep me safe till the storm passes by." Thanks be to our Heavenly Father for keeping her safe and bringing her though these past 2 1/2 years.  And  a huge  thank you to all you people who had a part in helping the Wright family get through this.  People have had wonderful ideas and been incredibly generous to all of us and we have learned so much from all of you and from this experience about how to help others in these situations. You have been a shining example of "Jesus with skin on" (from a Guy Dowd video).
     There is a little plaque in my room here in AR at the Wright's house.  I actually bought it for Kristi after her June 5th miracle last year.  It says Rejoice Always, Pray without Ceasing, In everything give thanks!  Easy to do when you have received a real life miracle down here on earth... but every adversity doesn't come with a miracle.  I read it every day and wonder how to apply giving thanks to everything.  The thing that comes to mind is that I can always give thanks that God makes a way for each of us to bear the hardships that come to us in this life. As a young wife I found a verse in the bible that promised me that with every hard thing that comes my way, God will be with me and I will be able to bear it and survive it.  That has given me great peace throughout my life and I see it playing out in Kristi's life each day. He is faithful.  I have seen this promise play out in friends and families' lives as they experienced adversity.  It is a promise God has shown us He will always keep! As people who have the holy spirit living within them we should always be ready to pray and trusting God in all our situations.  Praying without Ceasing just becomes a way of life. And then there is the Rejoice Always portion.  We all have things to rejoice about and be grateful for even in the midst of our troubles.  We are rejoicing that Kristi is done waiting to live life, but is able to actually go out into the world and live her life.  She has had some social events she could attend this week.  Last night she COOKED!  She passed her driving test with Mom and took over the driving.  She took her kids to the pool yesterday.  She can power walk in the driveway with Chris, the Physical Therapist. There are some consequences that come with this activity like sore shins and sudden fatigue, but we are rejoicing because she is recovering and being part of life again.

School is out for the summer and Kristi is going to be caring for the kids.  Pray for her endurance an strength to meet their needs as well as keeping up at home. Its important she doesn't over do it!  The medicine she is on doesn't allow her to be in the sun without burning, so she'll have to be very careful while taking the kids on outings. Also, there are hurdles still to cross with housework and going to Walmart, as Kristi continues to have a very strict weight limit for lifting.  For example, she cannot carry a laundry basket of clothes yet.  However, the kids have agreed to be very helpful as they are excited about this big corner their mom has turned as well!  Funny thing happened, Breck (Amy's son) texted with Isaiah, He said, "What's new?"  Isaiah said, "MY MOM!"   written by Kristi's MOM!


  1. Kristi! I'm so glad to hear of your recovery and that you're making so many gains. I know it seems slow--but just remember a couple of months ago *shudders*

    On another note--every time I see mention of Angelina Jolie anywhere, I think of you. So, yeah, she's all brave for having her surgery, but you are 10 times that, woman! :)

    You > Angelina Jolie.

    Ha! :)

    Amy D. Jones

  2. Thanks Amy,
    Kristi has some lasting side effects and she is being a very strong woman as she lives with them. The thing is, she is a determined person and she can overcome diversity. Her body is weaker but her resilience and determination are great. She just does it slowly these days and wears out easily. But she is moving forward. Thanks for your nice words. God be with you and yours as HE has been with all of us!! Patsy

  3. Beautifully written Patsy! Oh, Kristi it is very exciting to hear about your progress and improvements. You are a miracle! I think of you so often and look forward to seeing you again. Blessings and love, Brian Hyde
