I've slept and slept this time and had a very sour tummy and some vomiting. Body aches and extreme fatigue are my daily companions. Yesterday I missed celebrating my moms bday with the family and ate a light dinner on the couch with Billy for our 18th anniversary. The future with this feels long, but we know it will pass. We are choosing to stay on track counting on the end results to be great....life giving. The treatment feels more like it's taking life than giving it. They say that means it's working.
Please pray for my body to recover and be able to continue getting treatment. Pray for endurance, perseverance and patience for all involved. In my heart 8 weeks more feels very very long.
With love,
Joining you all praying for that. Praying God will give you just what you need this Wed morning to walk back in to HOG today for next treatment. Praying for divine encounters that will encourage you today but most of all that you feel enveloped by God's love and strength. Love you!! Terrie