We watched more movies on the Hallmark Channel yesterday than we might have watched over 6-12 months. In fact, we watched them until they started all over again that evening. We laughed that NONE of our husbands could have "endured" that with us! : ) Amy also said, this is actually a sign of improvement to celebrate because Kristi hasn't even felt good enough to focus or enjoy tv or noise and it did help to pass the day. She would get up and go for a walk down the hall with her walker in between movies or on commercials. She can't get comfortable or stay sitting very long without having pain or her legs feeling incredibly restless.
The nurse that delivered this fun and encouraging basket on Easter weekend said it was from someone who read Kristi's blog. We have added this picture to our Easter Blog Entry and Team Kristi Prayer Warrior Facebook page, but Kristi asked that we put this on today and make sure that her Houston Prayer Warriors know how much this meant to her and encouraged her.
We got up this morning and read our Jesus Calling Devotional and listened to a song called "Worn" by Tenth Avenue North because Kristi's days and recovery feel Looooooonnnnnnngggggg and she often feels worn before the day begins. We thought we would share it with you today. If you are feeling worn out by something in your story, may God give you rest and redeem your heart and mind. You can listen by clicking on the link below the picture.
We took Kristi out for a walk to get some fresh air. Being cooped up in this hotel room for days can make anyone feel restless!! Kristi enjoyed hearing that Billy and his Mom were able to have a great day together with the kids and enjoyed a little fishing trip! They are counting the minutes until their Mom and Wife can be home again!!

Praising God for no complications at this point from her procedures and oral medications. We are still on track to return home tomorrow. Kristi feels some anxiety about the travel and the exhaustion of the travel itself so please pray for she and Amy as they board their flight at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow and then drive home from Tulsa. This will be a long time for Kristi to sit upright. We still are having to manage the nausea through several medications. Nausea and low appetite are side effects of every antibiotic she is currently taking.
We hope you each have had a wonderful weekend! Spring is certainly in the air which always reminds us of Hope....for new life! Kristi, Amy and Danina
"You have given me Your shield of victory. Your right hand supports me; Your help has made me great." Ps 18:35
ReplyDeleteBrian Hyde