Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Will My Belief Waver in Today's Circumstances?

I don't have a lot of time to be writing this morning, but I feel this encouraging message so deeply in my heart, that I must share while it's so relevant to this day.

We've been studying the story of Joseph at church the last few weeks.  Joseph had an amazing story with peaks and valleys that caused hurt, fear, frustration, honor, reward and privilege. Joseph was painfully betrayed and forgotten by family and friends. He lost many years during the prime of his life bound in slavery and prison.  After being sold into slavery as a child, then being falsely accused and thrown into prison, Joseph, at age 30, is finally brought out of the pit and made Governor of Egypt, reunited with his Father, only to watch him die and mourn his death for months. In his last words Joseph's father described him as an unprotected baby donkey that was attacked by archers, who shot at him and harassed him repeatedly. Yet, his arms remained strong because he was strengthened by God. After all that Joseph had been through his father still referred to him as a "prince among his brothers".

Joseph was chosen by God to have the gift of interpreting dreams, being a man of immense character, fully competent to excel wherever God placed him.  God gave Joseph many gifts that were only unwrapped in the pit of pain and suffering.

In a recent Andy Stanley podcast he referred to Joseph as unwavering in his belief, even during long-lasting terrible circumstances.

I'm challenged to ask myself, and you, these questions.

Am I unwavering in my I letting my circumstances change my belief?

Have I been able to unwrap God-given gifts because of my pain and suffering?

How has my suffering and any newly opened gifts helped myself or others to fend off "circumstantial-specific belief?"

Will I step forward today unwavering in my belief that Jesus is the all-knowing, all-powerful, loving author of my story?

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