Saturday, February 23, 2013

New Care Givers Arrive and Kristi's Home Again!!

Billy left Friday morning to return home to Isaiah and Alyssa and Katy flew in to help Dad with Kristi's care.  Billy said it was bitter sweet for him.  It was painful to leave Kristi, but joyful to see his children.   On Friday, late afternoon, Kristi felt well enough to be discharged from the hospital and return to the apartment.   Pray for Katy as she left her two little ones at home and is away from them for the first time.  

It is a big job for the caretakers to stay on top all of this medication.
We keep a good journal and set alarms for the night time.
Katy arrived and got the bottles all organized! 

Dad used his creativity to come up with a TV Tray for Kristi to eat her food on.  
Kristi is improving, but certainly had a setback.  Her home health nurse came today and her
physical therapist came and gave her a work out.  Last night they had a few complications but Dad and Katy showed off their true nursing abilities! 


  1. How wonderful for you to have yet another sibling coming to your assistance!! I know they are more than happy to be of help and encouragement. That is what we are supposed to do for each other as God has given it to us. Wow, George, what ingenuity!! Kristi, I know it is nice to have your Dad there. He is a great one for making do with what he has. Your smile is so pretty, Kristi. And so glad you are well enough to be back at your home away from home. We are blessed each time we read your blog. It is refreshing to see the pictures and read the thoughts of each member of the family and to witness God's faithfulness on your behalf. It is a long road ahead, but that is what life is -a journey full of challenges and adventure. It is all how we view it as it unfolds day by day. The only thing we know for sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is that no matter what comes, God is in control and is our companion and comfort. We hold on to His hand and trust the rest to Him. I know that is what you are doing. It's very evident in your demeanor and your words! What a blessing you are to us all. We all pray for you to have the strength you need to stay focused on Jesus each step of the way. All our love, Leon and Jeanie

  2. Kristi - I look forward each day to reading your blog and seeing God's hand of provision through your wonderful family. Praying that you continue on with your progress and come home soon.
    I've never seen you without a smile. Keep going! Stay strong!

    Love, Brian Hyde

  3. We love you Kristi! We are continuing to pray for you and the WHOLE family. Glad you are out of the hospital and hopefully you'll be home soon. We are cheering you on from the homeland.

    Love, Liz & Jason Herron
