Thursday, February 7, 2013

Praise God From Whom ALL Blessings Flow

These were the final words at the end of a text from Kristi today.  We are all Praising God! Today we received the final pathology report.  It came back showing they were able to get clear negative margins on all sides of the cancer.  The smallest negative margin was 7 mm which they consider very good!   The cancer had infiltrated most of the vaginal cuff and had grown into the pelvic wall and tissues between the bladder and rectal wall.  This confirms the necessity of this radical surgery.

The day started out rough!  Dad had stayed the night with Kristi last night and once Kristi was asleep,  he ran quickly downstairs to get some coffee.  When he returned, Kristi had a headache and was feeling light headed and Dad saw blood all over her pillow.  Upon inspection by the nurse, they realized her IV Catheter in her neck had broken and she was losing blood.  It was a frightening moment for them all, but after checking her platelet count, they found that she did not need another blood transfusion.  (We are also glad Dad didn't have to get a bed right beside her because of fainting!! ha ha)

It took the morning for her body to recover from the blood loss, but by afternoon she was able to walk again and went twice as far as yesterday!!  Go Kristi Go!!  She also was able to eat some peach nectar, broth, yogurt and a cracker today so this is great improvement.  She continues to have daily training with the occupational and physical therapists.  Pray that God will gaurd Kristi's heart and mind as she adjusts to her new normal with food and physical limitations.

Please pray specifically for her as they took her off of intravenous pain medications today and began to try new medications that can be given orally.  This transition of medications are making her feel restless and causing some other side effects.

I was able to go see Isaiah and Alyssa last night with Josh and Katy before flying home today.   Isaiah proudly showed us his report card and we all celebrated with him.  Alyssa showed me what she got for her birthday and was most excited to show me her fish from her Mom, her candy bouquet (which still does have a little candy on it) and her Easy Bake Oven.   Then Alyssa and Jackson sang and danced for us and did a show on the "fireplace stage" as they always do.  It was good to see them.  They had been able to Skype with Billy and Kristi on Tuesday night and that had helped them tremendously. Technology is a gift in this case.   We are so grateful for Billy's Mom, Leona, for helping keep their lives as stable as possible without their parents.  Josh and Katy and Close Friends have helped get them to basketball and dance and gave the kids a really fun weekend!

Billy returns home tomorrow and they are both excited to see him.  They loaded me up with pictures and letters for me to deliver on Monday when Worley and I return to Houston.  Pray for Billy and all of us as caretakers that we will stay healthy.  We have all gotten ran down some and are fighting off different things.

As I end this update.  I think of the song "I will Praise You in the Storm".  Today we got good news, but it is good news in the middle of a very big storm.  Thank you for strengthening us all as we continue to praise God in this storm of cancer and this rare and life altering surgery.
 Because of HIM,  Danina and the Wright & Nay Families


  1. Caretaking is so exhausting!!!Be sure to find time for yourselves to stay healthy...In the end it is better for Kristi! Continued prayers for all of you!I am so proud of Kristi, you are amazing :) Keep steady and faithful, God has great plans for you, he has been using you thru this whole fight. Melanie

  2. yes!!! Praise the Lord!!! We are so thankful for the progress. Hang in there George, you are doing great!!! Patsy, yes your daughters have grown up and are wonderful Women of God! And are able to not only take care of each other but encourage and teach others also! So very wonderful and amazing. Bless you all. Kristi, you are truly a Lady after God's own heart. What a testimony that is to us all. Much love and Hugs all around. Jeanie and Leon
