Sunday, February 17, 2013

Still Waiting....

I've been waiting for news on the final analysis and treatment of the CT Scan before updating the blog but still nothing.   The preliminary report was that they did find some fluid in "there". The resident did not know if "there" meant the pelvic wall or abdomen. The Onclogist Fellow came by for a visit and basically informed us that Kristi will for sure stay tonight. She needs to be 48 hours fever free before sending her home.  She also had a visit from the plastic surgeon who ruled out the infection being in the incisions or reconstruction area. They have continued to give her antibiotics via her IV since we checked in yesterday afternoon. It's supposedly a great medication that covers a lot of organs! I'm getting the gist that sometimes these infections happen and we may never know the cause. Her blood tests this morning showed that her white blood cell count came down from a 12.5 to 11.5 The goal is 10! So we praise God that whatever is bothering her the antibiotic is being effective.  Nausea has been her greatest battle this morning. They have finally got it under control with two types of medication but both make her very sleepy. We've tried to encourage her to do the PT execises that she can do from bed and then maybe tonight we'll try walking. She still is very weak and lacks any sort of appetite. 

Prayer needs for now:

  • Infection to clear up
  • Clear answers from CT Scan
  • A hospital room on floor 10 where they understand her surgery (she's currently on the lymphoma floor because of no available rooms on the gynecology floor)
  • Kristi's appetite and energy to return
  • Scheduled leave date for Arkansas to stay the same so that Billy can help in transporting her back home.
  • Josh's arrival tomorrow with new energy!

She feels your prayers and know they sustain her often. It is the greatest gift you can give her.  Blessings, AMY

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Eph. 6:18

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